Moving to the United States

September 19, 2024

If you’re new to the U.S., you’re probably thinking, “What have I gotten myself into?” Well, I promise you it’s not challenging to get yourself acclimated if you use all the tools available. Is it a significant culture change? Yes. Depending on where you are moving from, it can seem a bit overwhelming. For centuries, the United States has welcomed immigrants to the waters of the Hudson River in New York City and into Ellis Island. The idea of the country being a melting pot is a source of great pride for all who reside there. If you plan on moving, it’s always best to research and be prepared.

Plan Your Move

Relocating to a new place is always rife with confusion and lots of paperwork, so it’s best to plan and mark off tasks step by step. The first question is, are you moving for work, or will you have to find a job once you get there? If you are relocating for work, the good news is your company will most likely take care of a good deal of that pesky paperwork for you. Create a spreadsheet of tasks you’ll need to tackle before you move and what you’ll need to handle once settled into your new place. If you need to find a job, make sure to update your resume, have an interview-ready suit available, and start your search. Many companies will have no problem conducting interviews virtually for someone moving from another country. You’ll need a passport, which can take months, so check that it’s up to date and ready to go; if not, start that process right away.

Finding a New Home

When looking for a place to call home, MyKey Global Accommodations can help you find a rental. With more than 100,100 markets in the United States, we have more than enough options for you to choose from. We have an extensive inventory of furnished and unfurnished rentals that we can source for you. We can send you options from your areas of interest and research to make sure the areas are safe for you and your family. Need something pet-friendly? We can help with that, too. You’ll be assigned an account manager who will work directly with you to determine your wants and needs in your new home in your new city or town. Whether you’re looking to be in the heart of downtown, the bright lights of the city, or the quiet escape of the suburbs, we can help. It would be best to list what you need in a new home and its surrounding areas. Need to be near restaurants, a dog park, or schools? All of this is information you’ll need to make an informed decision on where to settle.


Do you plan to drive when you’re here? Make sure to include this in your plans. Do you need to move close to public transportation? Do you need to live in an area that’s friendly to bikers? These are all great things to consider before making a big move. The laws in the United States will differ from those in other countries, and you may need to pass a new driver’s test when you move there. Also, if you’re used to driving on one side of the road, you’ll need to get used to switching sides now.


Planning your move will involve figuring out how to move all your personal belongings to the U.S. from your current location. Google is always an excellent source for international movers. However, always be cautious when choosing movers. Look up their Google reviews and Better Business Bureau ratings to determine if complaints have been made against them. In other words, do your homework. Getting a reference from someone is also always good; if someone you know has moved to another country and used a moving company, ask them how their experience was and if they would recommend them. Purge your stuff; remember, if it doesn’t spark joy, it’s OK to get rid of it. We tend to hold onto stuff; if you do not use or need it, there’s no need to pack it. Use this opportunity to cleanse your home of things so that this new chapter of your life will be filled with new adventures and memories.

Acclimating to Your New Home

These days, we’re all connected via the internet, but we can still find ways to connect with people in our new neighborhoods the old-fashioned way. Going to community events like farmer’s markets, libraries, or gatherings can help you meet new friends. Facebook groups in your area are also an excellent way to meet people with the same interests as you. Are you into hiking, mountain biking, knitting, or watching live music? You can find like-minded people in various groups online.

Always do your due diligence before you move to a particular town or city to find out what they are known for or what it provides for its residents so you will know what people like to do in that area. Head to your closest local bookstore, where you can find books on the state you’re living in or even the town you’re living in, and that can give you a historical perspective of your new surroundings. Don’t be afraid to venture out and try new foods. Sometimes, eating where the locals eat is an excellent way to meet people and understand the area and who inhabits it. Some places are full of immigrants, just like you, who came to the U.S. for a better life and, luckily, brought their family recipes and traditions with them to share. Some of the best foods are local.

The truth is relocating doesn’t have to be scary. It’s exciting and terrifying, but that’s the great fun of it all. At MyKey, we work daily with people relocating for work, a life-change, family, etc. Whatever your reason for relocating, we’re here to assist you and make it a little less stressful. While this is just touching the surface of what it means to relocate, there are so many resources on the web for you to use to ensure you’re as prepared as you can be for such a big life change. Stay calm, be prepared, and have fun. Welcome home!

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